  本公司主要经营 婺源茶叶,砚台等。公司秉承“顾客上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾! 婺源---被誉为中国美的乡村,是中国的绿茶之乡,境内峰峦层叠竞秀,溪流碧波潋滟,终年雨润风和,有着特定的气候和土壤条件,历史上是出名茶的灵秀之地。 婺源毛峰采自婺源县沱川乡境内平均海拔800米以上的高山上,用传统工艺与科学方法精制而成,香气清高,滋味醇厚,汤色碧绿,芽叶柔嫩,色泽翠绿, 是天然绿色健康的饮品。 Wuyuan, praised as the most beautiful village of China, is the hometown of Chinese green tea, where ridges and peaks rise one after another, ravine stream billow, rains come suitable and winds breeze gentle, and is a region abounds with famous tea in history due to its special climate and soil. Wuyuan Maofeng Tea is gathered from the mountains at an altitude of above 800 meters of Wuyuan County, Tuochuan Town. It is refined in a traditional technical and scientific way. It is with pleasant odor, heavy taste, green bud-leaf and tender sprouts. It is a kind of natural green healthy drink. 品饮方法:用洁净茶具或玻璃杯取适量干茶,以摄氏90度左右的开水冲泡为宜,静置3-5分钟后即可品饮。 Drinking method: take a clean tea set or a glass and get a proper amount of dry tea, brew the tea with about 90℃ boiled water, stew for three or five minutes and then drink. 贮藏方法:茶叶储放在密封干燥处,须防潮、防晒、防光线、防异味。 Storage method: keep the tea sealed and in a dry place away from moisture, the sun, the light and peculiar smell
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